Monday, December 4, 2006

Never ceasing to pray

Prayer is the ultimate communication with our Creator.

For any relationship to work there needs to be communcation, depending on how strong you want the relationship to be, it relies on the amount of communcation between two people.

We are in relationship with Christ, I find when I cease in prayer I become very distant from Christ, but when Im in constant conversation with him I find myself living a more righteous life.

I find myself most praying when I am in a time of need, sorrow or desperation. Its rarely in thanksgiving or praise. I often compare my relationship to Christ with one to a close friend. How would I feel if my good friend was only coming to me when she/he needed someting, or was upset everytime they called me. I would probably feel used, like they only call me when it can benefit them. So why should I expect Christ to continuously bless me and encourage me when I cant do the same for him. Not that I am great enough to bless him, but He does ask for my praises and thanksgiving.

Last week in church we closed the evening with conversational prayer, which I just thought was awesome. I would love to get into habit in living my life in continuous prayer. In everything, giving thanks to Him.

` Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ` James 5:16



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