Monday, December 4, 2006


Around this time last year, I was engaged for a few weeks to Dominique so he could stay in Canada. I had prayed about it alot, and came to the peace that I wasnt supposed to marry him. So as you can tell, I never. A few days ago he was deported back to Togo. When I heard that, I felt totally heartbroken. He was being taken away from Canada without a choice, he did everything he could to stay here. And I just really have been feeling that loss for him, I know its not my burden to carry but I cant help it with all that I went through with him. His friend added me to msn, she helped explained what the last few months were like for him, what he went through. I still dont fully understand why it turned out that he had to leave. I feel like its really over now that he is gone, but I dont really feel satisfied with it. This is just a part of my life thats in limbo, no closure. Jesus be with Dominique as he adjusts to living in Togo again.



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